Realis Moon: Temvot, The God-Forgotten Moon

Temvot, The God-Forgotten Moon

IMPULSE: Find solitude among people.

Staring at the many roadside shrines and grand temples left stranded across the plain and remark less moon, one could be forgiven for finding a quiet pleasure in Temvot. It was not always so. It was once a roar of prayers and pilgrimages, prophets by the dozen, schisms by the hour. It was once busy with conflict and higher-order thinking, and the world of the physical and mundane was betrayed.

Abandoning a place is never easy. For the left behind, the pain is often a scar on the psyche for generations. For the departing, deciding what to keep and what to take with you makes for a painful parting. The pain for the people of Tempan is tragically one-sided, as the evacuees of many decades ago were the gods of the moon. They did not leave a forwarding address for prayers. 

The gods became the pilgrims, walking a path the profligate could not easily follow. In their wake, the Tempan search for salvation and meaning among the dirt and trees. It is the best idea many have had in generations, searching with lit votive candles amongst the darkness for gods behind boulders and bushels. Success rates have been nil, but hope is at an all-time high.

People Sentences:

+0 Tempan priests always search for divine messages

+0 Tempan paladins always protect what remains

+0 Tempan prophets always interpret meaningless actions

Places Sentences: 

+0 The Worshipful Palace always offers strange remedies

+0 Tempan shrines always remind visitors of the past

+0 Tempan cities always host fewer than needed

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